
The following report presents an assessment of the accuracy of the AI Assistant provided by Cryptocrispy for the period of 8th to 14th August 2023. The analysis focuses on the accuracy of price predictions for various cryptocurrencies, categorized by different risk appetites - Cautious, Balanced, and Adventurous. The evaluation is based on the level of accuracy achieved in predicting the price movements of BTC, ETH, XRP, and DOGE, along with the primary features attended by the AI for each risk appetite.

Cryptocurrency Performance

Coin Risk App Accuracy Attended Features
Bitcoin (BTC) Cautious 58.48% Mostly attended On-chain features
Bitcoin (BTC) Balanced 53.49% Mostly attended On-chain features
Bitcoin (BTC) Adventurous 56.38% Price predictions were well aligned
Ethereum (ETH) Cautious 63.24% Mostly attended On-chain features
Ethereum (ETH) Balanced 86.67% Price predictions were well aligned
Ethereum (ETH) Adventurous 89.93% Price predictions were well aligned
XRP (Ripple) Cautious 61.22% Mostly attended On-chain features
XRP (Ripple) Balanced 56.79% Price predictions were well aligned
XRP (Ripple) Adventurous 52.08% Coin behavior was based on social news
DOGE (Dogecoin) Cautious 66.9% Mostly attended Technical Indicators
DOGE (Dogecoin) Balanced 86.21% Mostly attended Technical Indicators
DOGE (Dogecoin) Adventurous 86.21% Mostly attended Technical Indicators

Average Accuracy by Risk Appetite

- For Cautious users, the average accuracy of the AI Assistant across all coins was 62.46%.
- For Balanced users, the average accuracy of the AI Assistant across all coins was 70.79%.
- For Adventurous users, the average accuracy of the AI Assistant across all coins was 71.15%.


During the evaluation period of 8th to 14th August 2023, the AI Assistant provided by Cryptocrispy demonstrated varying levels of accuracy in predicting cryptocurrency price movements. The accuracy was influenced by different risk appetites and the features attended by the AI. Overall, the AI's accuracy was highest for Adventurous users, followed closely by Balanced users. Cautious users experienced a slightly lower average accuracy. The AI's ability to predict price movements aligned well with certain risk appetites and specific coin behaviors, such as relying on technical indicators or social news.

Note: These accuracy assessments are based on historical data and may not accurately predict future performance. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and subject to sudden changes.